Cheet Sheets

In which Jon prattles on about a Biology class that had a really positive impact on both his academic and social careers.


Recollections on the Rooftop

In a very... umm... diverse?... episode, we again convene on the rooftop while Doug participates in an ham radio group check-in. While he set ups, we chat about our academic performance, helicopters arriving at the UNC hospital rooftop, and mentors that we've had in our lives.



Archaeology and Home Repair

William goes on to share more historical expertise while Jon gets up to go fix some siding that is drooping on the side of his house. Good thing it's Dry January, because he thought it was a good idea to get up on a ladder and do it after dark.



Peachy Kean Vegans

Doug and I invited William to join us once again for what kind of accidentally became a three-parter. In this first segment, I introduce them to a mocktail concoction that I've named after an obscure DC comics reference.



Gin Fueled Us and Love Still Beams

It's dry January, so Doug and I enjoyed - respectively - some Upside Dawn non-alcoholic beer and Ritual Zero Proof Gin. On a run earlier in the day, the topic of 9/11 came up, and I realized that Doug would have been living in New York at the time, and so I wanted to ask him about that day from his perspective, watching the chaos unfold from the top of his high-rise apartment located about halfway between the park and the financial district.



Rocky, Twitching, and Pounding Meat

In this Episode, we again find Doug on the rooftop setting up for a Monday night ham radio operators' check-in. Jon takes the time to share some random thoughts and trivia from his viewing of Rocky on boxing day over the weekend.




Post-Rant Musings on Solidarity

After an interesting discussion of religion, we ended up somehow deviating to a chat about solidarity and the part it plays in fostering friendships and even romance.




Cheese, Beer and Runic Inscriptions

Warning: The audio on this is even worse than the last one.

In which I continue to talk Dougs face off, this time telling a fun little diddy about the professor at Indiana University who carved a fake runestone as a joke in grad school and had to deal with the fallout around the turn of the century when it was "discovered" and researched as "proof" of another probably-fake runestone out in Minnesota.



Sunspots at Night

Warning: The audio on this is horrible.

In which I talk Doug's ears off while he sets up his radio on the roof of the Carr Mill Mall Annex to participate in his weekly Monday evening callouts. I Also manage to get tripped up under one of the wires at some point. Bonus: wind and a runny nose.

For more info about what Doug was talking about regarding sunspots, here's an informative read:

The Sunspot Cycle and How it Affects Ham Radio...


Coming Down the Pipes

What's in the works? Some likely topics to whet your appetite...

  • Six Degrees: a recurring theme.
  • Thoughts on Coding and IT Careers
  • Scambaiting!
  • Nineties Music and Memories
    • Guest: Becca
  • Dougs over the years.
    • Guests: Doug, Doug, and Doug.
  • Star Charts and Myers-Briggs Types
    • Guest: Annie H
  • Books and Wine,



Time Travel in Movies – Part 1

Doug and I left off of talking about Ham Radios with a mention of Frequency, so for tonight's chat, we sequed into time travel in movies, specifically focusing on whether observers in the future who are aware of the time travel going on should be aware of any changes to their timeline or not. Movies are incredibly inconsistent when it comes to this, even within the scope of their own stories.



Fade to Hiss

Doug tells me a little more about audio tech and we talk about audio quality in media like digital vs vinyl, and why people may prefer the older formats for reasons beyond just hipster nostaligia. We steer towards Ham Radio talk and a movie called Contact at just the right time.

Listen to "Fade To Hiss" on Spreaker....


Fire Singles

"Some Stories for our Audience" - a podcast episode Live From Doug's House. Well... live from my house. In this one, we shamelessly play three new singles by Jamin O'Donovan in full without permission while we talk a little about him, Ireland, and learning to swim at an early age.

